Demand a Seat is open to anyone who is interested in running for office as a Gun Sense Candidate, as well as anyone who is interested in working or volunteering for the campaigns of Gun Sense Candidates. To be eligible for the Demand a Seat training program, applicants must be a volunteer with their local Moms Demand Action or Students Demand Action chapter in order to be eligible for graduation from the program.

Questions about your eligibility? Email [email protected].

Individuals who have not previously served as volunteers with Moms Demand Action, Students Demand Action, and the Everytown Survivor Network may be accepted into the Demand a Seat program.

However, individuals who have not previously served as volunteers will be expected to participate in at least 3 events or actions in support of their local Moms Demand Action or Students Demand Action chapters in order to be eligible to graduate from Demand a Seat.

Yes. Demand a Seat is open to volunteers who are considering running for political office at any point in time, or those who would like to work on campaigns or in support of Gun Sense Candidates. If you are not sure if you are going to become a candidate or work on a campaign, you are still welcome to participate in the Demand a Seat program. Our hope is that learning more about the process will help you to make more informed decisions about running for office or working on future campaigns.

Yes! Demand a Seat is also open to volunteers who may be interested in becoming campaign managers or campaign staff. Our hope is that participating and learning will help people to make more informed decisions about running for office or working on campaigns for future Gun Sense Candidates.


Training will focus on key topics including:

  • Building a campaign
  • Recruiting volunteers
  • Campaign budgeting and fundraising
  • Communicating with voters and media
  • Digital and social media tactics
  • Gun safety messaging and polling.

The program typically consists of seven training sessions and four hands-on workshops (all 90 minutes or less) that are offered virtually over the course of 4 months. Additional optional sessions will also be offered as an opportunity to meet and network with cohort members and to practice skills that are taught during the training sessions. Apply today before the January 15th deadline.

The more you attend, the more you will get out of the training. We understand that you may not be able to make every session. To participate in the program, there is an expectation that you will be able to attend most of the sessions in real time, and you must attend a minimum of 3 training sessions in order to graduate. All trainings are recorded and made accessible, along with other training tools provided over the course of the program, on our Demand a Seat training portal so that participants can refer back to them at any time. View the full training schedule.

If you have questions about these requirements, or would like to connect with our team about potential accommodations, please email [email protected].

The program will provide educational training on the nuts and bolts of building and running successful campaigns. Training will focus on a range of topics, including: organizing, messaging, and fundraising best practices. View the full training schedule. A key feature of the program is exposure to a powerful network of potential candidates and mentors from across Moms Demand Action and Everytown volunteer networks who will be available to share best practices and provide support as participants navigate the electoral process.

Demand a Seat does not provide tailored training or resources for any specific campaign or race, nor does it provide any other monetary or in-kind support to candidates. Everytown organizations may separately provide support to candidates where possible, including making campaign contributions and providing other resources, but participation in Demand a Seat does not guarantee any such support or an endorsement.


Applications for the next Demand a Seat cohort are now OPEN. Apply today before the January 15th deadline.

This program is open to individuals interested in exploring all levels of elected office.

The Demand a Seat program is meant to provide tools and training to volunteers considering a run for any elected office where they intend to govern with gun safety in mind.

Applications for the next Demand a Seat cohort are now OPEN. Apply today before the January 15th deadline.

Additional questions? Email [email protected].


Held 1-2 times each year, these 3-day sessions are designed specifically for volunteers who are seriously considering a run for office. This immersive program provides practical training led by campaign experts and  for volunteers to connect and build community as they navigate running for office.

The initial application for the in-person bootcamps is the same application that’s used for the virtual training cohorts. One application will get you started for both training programs. If you’d like to participate in the bootcamp, you will receive a secondary form to complete. Apply today before the January 15th deadline.

The initial application for the in-person bootcamps is the same application that’s used for the virtual training cohorts. One application will get you started for both training programs. If you’d like to participate in the bootcamp, you will receive a secondary form to complete. Apply today before the January 15th deadline.

The initial application for the in-person bootcamps is the same application that’s used for the virtual training cohorts. One application will get you started for both training programs. If you’d like to participate in the bootcamp, you will receive a secondary form to complete. Apply today before the January 15th deadline.

Apply today before the January 15th deadline.

Additional questions? Email [email protected].